Wednesday, 5 March 2014

TMI Tag #1

Hello lovelies!

Today I thought I'd do the TMI tag, I first saw Carrie Hope Fletcher do it on YouTube and have since seen it floating around a lot of blogs and thought it would be the best way to let you get to know me a bit better since you don't know much about me besides the fact I'm a bit of a beauty obsessive. 

What are you wearing? Black leggings from NEXT and a cammi top from ASOS

Ever been in love? Nope not with a human but I love all my animals if that counts...

Ever had a terrible breakup? Thankfully not

How tall are you? 5 foot 7" and 3/4

How much do you weigh? I don't usually tell people my weight but you're all a lovely lot so I'm just over 18 stone. I know this is unhealthy and I'm working on the weight loss so I'll report any progress I make!

Any tattoos? Nope

Any piercings? Just ears :) 

OTP? I'm not really in to shipping but Janya (Tanya Burr and Jim Chapman) are my favourite internet couple

Favourite show? How could I possibly choose a favourite?

Favourite bands? In terms of bands I like McFly and some Take That songs - yup I'm old school but I'm more into solo musicians really 

Something you miss? Seeing my closest friends every day, I've seen so little of them since leaving high school :( Thank god for Facebook and iMessage!

Favourite song? There are so many! I like Waterfalls and Love is easy among lots AND LOTS of others 

How old are you? 16

Zodiac sign? Virgo - I am such a stereotypical virgo as well - analytic, check! observant, check! precise, check! reliable, check! helpful, check! tidy, check! skeptical, check! fussy, check! 

Quality you look for in a partner? They have to be genuine 

Favourite quote? I don't have a favourite quote - sometimes I think I do and then I see a new one and it changes. There are lots of inspirational quotes so I'd rather not limit myself to a 'favourite'

Favourite actor? Adam Sandler makes me laugh

Favourite colour? Purple but I also like white and gold 

Loud or soft music? Soft!!!!!

Where do you go when you're sad? My bedroom or for a walk or to see my horse - she always cheers me up

How long does it take you to shower? 20 minutes unless I have time to chill then I probably spend three quarters of an hour just standing, thinking under the hot water... ah bliss!

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Around half an hour

Ever been in a physical fight? Nope, well kind of - do annoying little brothers count?

Turn on? Kindness 

Turn off? They smoke

That's all for today, I know I get bored with posts that are too long so I decided to split this tag into two posts, for the other half come back this time next week!

If you've done this tag comment or tweet me the link so I can read/watch it! If not, just tell me a random fact about you.

Until next time

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