Friday, 14 March 2014

Liebster Award

Hello lovelies

I am extremely excited to tell you that today I was nominated by the lovely Veronica from Coat of Cosmetics for the Liebster Award. The best description I give you, if you haven't heard of it already, is that it involves one blogger nominating 11 other bloggers with below 200 followers (it was originally 3,000 readers, I'm not sure when or why it changed, but I think I like that it did) and should they accept they have to answer 11 questions from the person who nominated them and list 11 facts about themselves. They then nominate a further 11 bloggers (lots of 11's) and so on... it is similar to a chain letter. Can you get your head around that? It took me a while!

First I would like to thank Veronica, I am honored that you nominated me :) 
So here are my answers to the questions I was asked...

Why did you first start your blog? I was just starting to discover a lot of YouTubers and bloggers and really liked it. I wanted to start something up for myself so I turned to blogging; I'm too shy to make videos! Maybe one day though. I'm also really into beauty and photography and don't really have any friends who share that interest so thought blogging would be a good way to combine my hobbies and meet people with the same interests. So far, so good.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what would be the one must have beauty product you would need? This is such a hard question! I'm going to go with a moisturiser that contains SPF though. Being logical here - I'm on a desert island which means sun, which means sun burn and dry skin. I like to look after my skin. 

If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I'd probably stay on the Isle of Man but if I had to move I would go somewhere like Yorkshire or Norwich or maybe even further afield, I'm not sure. 

Sweet or savory food? Savory without a doubt :D

What is one feature you love about yourself? Hmm as somebody who has always struggled with anxiety and self confidence, there isn't anything really although I get a lot of compliments on my curly hair so I guess that. 

If you were granted three wishes, what would they be? 
1) Don't laugh, but I'd really like to be able to talk to animals. It would be so amazing and interesting. 
2) I'd like to not be so afraid of the world, I want to be confident within myself and travel too, so being afraid of boats and planes isn't a good start. 
3) Finally, I'd end animal cruelty, specifically animal testing. 

Is there a quote/saying you live by? and why? No. There are a lot of quotes I see and really like but none I live by because I usually forget them days later! Oops 

Who is your favourite musical artist/band? and why? I don't have any favoruites, though I'm a big fan of Jessie J and Demi Lovato because I just really enjoy their music and feel I can relate to it, having a connection to something, in my opinion, makes it more enjoyable. 

What's your favourite blog post that you have written? Oh gosh, I really don't know! Possibly my recent Maybelline Baby Lips post because I'm proud of the photographs I took and I like the product so liked writing about it too.

Favourite childhood memory? I don't have many memories, I'm growing more and more forgetful actually which is a pain! I used to have such a good memory. I think it would be anything before I started school. I was always happy and doing things I loved such as riding my shetland ponies or helping milk the cows or playing with puppies or skipping (I was never without a skipping rope) or something fun!

If you could meet a celebrity, who would it be? and why? I don't like the word celebrity and I'm just not fussed about meeting one. I'd probably be too shy to talk to them anyway! That's just me! I'd like to meet some of my favourite YouTubers/bloggers though, such as Tanya Burr or Louise SprinkleofGlitter. 

This is such a wordy post, I hope you still enjoy it! Now onto 11 facts about myself...
  1. When I find something funny, I laugh to the point where no sounds comes out. I just look like a crazy girl vibrating with her mouth open! Not a good look but my friends find it amusing!
  2. Even the smell of an egg cooking can make me feel sick. 
  3. I have been inside Buckingham Palace. 
  4. I have a slight obsession for scented candles. 
  5. I love to read, if I find a good book then I cannot put it down until I've read every page. 
  6. Despite having a huge collection of makeup and the fact I love wearing it, I often wear little to none in public because I fear what others will think of how I look. 
  7. I am allergic to horses but in all my 16 years of living having never been without one, nothing will stop me riding!
  8. I've never left the UK.
  9. Big cities and busy places in general scare me. I prefer the slow, laid back pace of the country side. 
  10. I had multi-coloured train track braces for just under a year - this is something I now regret *cringe*
  11. Only two of my friends know about my blog, I'm too shy to tell my family or any other people in case they don't like it. 
Pheww! There we go, 11 questions answered and 11 facts told. I hope you enjoyed and following the TMI tag you now know all there is to know about me!

So I nominate... (not all of these bloggers have under 200 followers but all have below 300, I think they still deserve some love and I'd like them to take part!) 

Rachel from Heart Ocean Secrets
Georgina from I Totally Paused
Millie from Smudges of Thoughts
Daniella from Inside my cosmetics box
Beki from BekiLouiseBeauty 
Kathleen from KathleenPavey 
Adel from Palette: Pale 
Laura from The Confessions of a Professional Drama Queen
Sophie from Sophie Says..
Chloe from Chloe and her notes
And YOU! 

...and the questions I would like you to answer are
  1. Which beauty product can't you live without?
  2. What is your favourite animal?
  3. You're on a shopping day with your friends. Which shop do you go to first?
  4. Who or what is your biggest 'blogspiration'? 
  5. You have the chance to spend a week in your dream destination. Where are you going?
  6. What is something you can't live without?
  7. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  8. You've won a talent competition, what was your talent?
  9. Autumn or Spring?
  10. You have won £1,000,000. What will you do with it?
  11. Dancing and cocktails or pizza and a movie?
The rules are simple, in your post you must acknowledge the blogger who nominated you and display the award, then answer the 11 questions you were given and list 11 completely random facts about yourself. Finally, nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award, let them know you have nominated them and give them 11 questions!

Thank you again to Veronica for nominating me, make sure you all check out her blog, linked at the top.

Until next time

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