Tuesday 8 April 2014

Tag Tuesday | Blog Your Heart Out

Whenever somebody says heart I just think about Primary school and doodling hearts all over my workbooks. That's why this, although not the slightest bit professional and totally OTT, is what I made for The Blog Your Heart Out Tag.

Who or what encouraged you to start blogging?
I started getting engrossed into YouTube which led me to blogs and I got hooked. I really liked the idea and wanted to try it for myself. For my IT GCSE I actually had to do some blogging and that blog is still live out there, I wont be sharing the URL though. haha!

How did you choose what topics to talk about?
I just went with what I love and what interests me - beauty. I've come to really enjoy lifestyle posts too though. 

What is something that most people don't know about you?
That I blog - but if you're reading this then you do know that. So I would say that I  don't believe in marriage. A totally random fact for you there.

What three words describe your style?
Hmm probably comfortable, off-trend and mismatched! I don't spend much money on clothes and my wardrobe is pretty uncoordinated, though I do like buying shabby chic/feminine sort of things for when I'm not at home on the farm in holey leggings and a baggy t-shirt.

What do you love doing when you aren't blogging?
A business Administration course at college and spend time with my animals. I also watch a bunch of trash TV! haha

I tag any of you who would like to give this a go, feel free to use my image as long as you source it to here, though I wouldn't recommend it unless you like the 6 year old girl look ;) 

Until next time

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