Wednesday 19 February 2014

Maybelline Baby Lips

Hello lovelies

Today I have for you a post that has been almost a year in waiting. I cannot believe I haven't done this before because this is by far my favourite range in terms of lip balms. I adore these. Let's review Maybelline Baby Lips!

I do, in fact, own all six of the Baby Lips available in Superdrug/Boots on the Isle of Man but I can't seem to find the Hydrate one at the moment, I'm pretty sure I left it in my college bag but it's not there. Hmm. 

So Maybelline released these in the UK last August and I held off at first as I always do with new releases, to give myself a chance to hear some reviews. I'm not in a position where I can afford to buy products and not like them. I heard a huge amount of good reviews and one month later I'd bought them all. Here is another good review to add to the pile...

My favourites (I also love Hydrate) from the dozen available.

The balms contain Shea butter to give softness, Vitamins that condition the lips and SPF 20 that protects lips from sun damage. There are also hints of Centalla to plump up the lips. A good all rounder, wouldn't you say?

They claim to hydrate for up to 8 hours. Although they certainly do hydrate for a while, I find myself topping up after about 4-5 hours. They leave my lips well conditioned and super soft after every application, so it's OK.

In the UK you can purchase these from Boots and Superdrug for just £2.99! You read correctly there, all that goodness for less than a fiver. It's a miracle.

We can't forget that half of the range are tinted. There really is a colour for everyone; Peach Kiss suits darker skin tones, it looks beautifully on my Indian friend. She wears it daily and loves it. It's the gold shimmer that makes the look.
The Pink Punch suits paler people. It's a bright pink shade that just sits it my drawer because it doesn't really suit me. I also think this one looks great on blondes! 
Finally, Cherry Me suits the in the middle people, like me. This is a pink toned red. I like it a lot.
The colours are quite subtle but can be built up for a stronger look. Which is your favourite?

I use Intense Care (yellow one) every night before bed and every morning when I wake up and I've not suffered from painful chapped lips all Winter. For me, this is a big achievement. I carry Hydrate with me to college and keep Cherry Me in my daily makeup bag for a pop of colour whenever I feel like it. 

I applied this in a lecture one day and my friend walked in and said "Your lips look great, they've gone a pretty cherry colour" - so the colour must show through well and of course I was more than happy to receive the compliment and tell her about Baby Lips.

10 out of 10 Maybelline, but please bring the rest of the range to the UK!

So there is my opinion, what's yours? and if you haven't tried them yet, WHY?

Until next time

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